Education – your money your future
Learn what a self-managed superfund is & how to take control of your money
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The $7 Million Dream: Transforming Life with a Monthly Jackpot
In an extraordinary turn of fortune, a hardworking carer's life was upended for the better after winning a staggering $7 million in the lottery, translating to a monthly windfall of $19,000 for the next three decades. This remarkable story, as reported by The Sun on...
How do I financially Prepare for Christmas?
Christmas is quickly approaching, and while many of us have been consumed with making plans with family, friends, and co-workers Many of us have failed to ask ourselves, "Am I financially prepared?" for the season ahead. It's never too early or too late to start...
Ten Tips for Generational Wealth.
For many individuals, the word "generational wealth" may signify a lot of different things. Wealth can be summarised as happiness, prosperity and abundance and can be linked closely with money but what is generational wealth? Why is it important? Why is generational...
Financial tips for late bloomers
Recently we have all been going through a challenging time with COVID-19 and this has added financial stress not only to our finances but also to our overall mental health. With the current risk of COVID-19 and the market, things have been up and down but with the...
Financial planning tips for Mothers on a budget
Finding precious time as a parent can be tricky when it comes to sitting down and focussing on the weekly finances. Whether it be putting the newborn to bed or just making sure you have some alone time with your husband. It can be a balancing act. We understand how...
We know you don’t want to hear another thing about COVID-19 – Here are our top tips
Ok… so we won’t mention the C-word but what we will mention is how excited we are about the Government giving us the all-clear (apart from the sick) to go back to work. This week has been crazy within the financial sector as the government met to look at our economy...
Coronavirus, fires, floods and missing toilet paper
Over the last two months, we have experienced not one, but three very different cases of emergency scenarios. Not only has toilet paper been flying off our shelves in Australia due to the coronavirus, but hand sanitizers have also been sold by the truckload. With the...
The Young Ones – Teenagers and young adults get ready…
TEENAGERS AND YOUNG ADULTS GET READY… TO LEARN ABOUT MONEY! THINGS YOU DON’T LEARN AT SCHOOL, BUT NEED TO KNOW Are you between the ages of 15-30 and need to get educated about money? Are you are leaving school or university soon? Parents, want your kids to...
How to pay off your Gold Coast mortgage in 10 years and invest at the same time using Debt recycling
“Mortgage” isn’t always a word that families like to discuss at the dinner table and yet it’s something that we all must discuss in order to survive. The topic of home loans is one that be frustrating as you can be locked into paying your home for the next...
Why Insurance through super can be a death trap
In every action movie, there is often a scene where someone is taking a risk to do some crazy stunt. During this moment what comes to our mind, mostly is “wow, I hope this person has insurance” (well most of the time). It’s true that, just like action heroes we...
At Oasis Financial Planning we provide financial planning services throughout the Gold Coast, Northern NSW and around Australia to people just like you that want a professional, fee for service (fee only financial planning advice) approach. We personalise financial planning advice to your specific situation, and this can include:
GETTING THE BASICS RIGHT – everyone can improve their finances, you just don’t know how yet. Start by getting the basics right, then you will be positioned to do so much more with your situation and life.
BUDGETING AND CASH FLOW MANAGEMENT – Cashflow is the most important issue to get right. Make sure your cashflow is healthy and increase your spare cash. We can help stop you going backwards, start you getting ahead and change you from living pay to pay to actually having some spare money each week.
DEBT REDUCTION AND DEBT CONSOLIDATION STRATEGIES – reduce your debt, reduce what your debt it is costing you, and pay it all off sooner.
SUPERANNUATION – personal super and Self-Managed Super Fund. Yes you can be achieving more with your superannuation. You don’t have to watch it drop in value for yet another year, and you can reduce your super fees.
PERSONAL INSURANCE – protect you, your family and your income giving you peace of mind, and find out how it does not have to cost anything to your cashflow. Life insurance, total & permanent disability insurance and income protection insurance.
INVESTMENT AND WEALTH CREATION STRATEGIES – what should you be investing in? Shares, managed funds, property…all, some or none can be appropriate and can make you money. You just need to be understood and shown what is best for your situation and goals?
PRE-RETIREMENT AND RETIREMENT PLANNING – anyone in their 50 or older, whether working or retired will be missing out on an increased retirement savings and paying too much tax if they do not get expert advice in this area. You can make a positive difference to your finances for a better retirement.
ESTATE PLANNING – personal succession – making sure your money goes to the right people and that they receive the most they can and don’t lose more than needed in tax.
BUSINESS AND OWNERSHIP PROTECTION AND SUCCESSION PLANNING – what happens if you or your business partner is removed from the business due to death, disability or illness? It can be very costly and destroy your business and family.
WORKPLACE EDUCATION AND FINANCIAL PLANNING – business owners and employees can become more productive, less stressed, and more profitable if they are have been educated on how to manage their personal finances. Find out how we can educate you and your workplace so they are less stressed and more focused.
Our Gold Coast financial planning services and advice have been benefiting people for more than a decade years and have changed many lives for the better simply because they asked the question… “How can we improve our finances and lifestyle?”… Is it time for you to do the same?
Our Gold Coast seminars are always free and there to help anyone… Is it time for you to attend one? Contact Gold Coast Financial Planner Steve today on 0427 729 448.